A major cause of forced labour in global supply chains is the charging of recruitment fees to migrant workers. Some companies have sought to reimburse workers charged these fees, many face serious challenges in doing so.

Reimbursing worker-paid fees is an important step consistent with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which clarify the baseline expectation for companies to respect human rights, including providing for or cooperating in remediation when they have caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts.

This report profiles six multi-national companies who have sought to address access to remedy by reimbursing workers found to have paid fees. Each of the remediation programmes vary in size and structure and have been shaped by the local contexts in which these companies operate. Together, they have provided a form of remedy for thousands of workers amounting to millions of dollars in the last decade.

Responsible Recruitment: Remediating Worker - Paid Recruitment Fees - IHRB, 2017 DOWNLOAD














National Hotline 2018 Nevada State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 and is accurate as of July 25, 2019. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may revealed to the National Hotline over time. Consequen...Read More

Casting Light in the Shadows: Child and youth migration, exploitation and trafficking in Vietnam

This report presents findings from a 2 ½ year research study, led by a team of socio‐legal researchers at Coram International, aimed at strengthening the evidence base on child trafficking and labour exploitation in Vietnam. The report explores p...Read More

Child Marriage and Other Harmful Practices

This study looks at the different forms that child marriage takes in South Asia and further looks at how these variations in child marriage practices are linked to other harmful practices. The study acknowledges that child marriage takes place in v...Read More

The Climate Change–Human Trafficking Nexus
Good PracticesPublications

Climate change increases the risk of natural disasters and places a strain on livelihoods. This may contribute to high-risk behaviours and other negative coping strategies among affected populations, such as resorting to unscrupulous recruitment age...Read More

TAGS: Asia