A major cause of forced labour in global supply chains is the charging of recruitment fees to migrant workers. Some companies have sought to reimburse workers charged these fees, many face serious challenges in doing so.

Reimbursing worker-paid fees is an important step consistent with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which clarify the baseline expectation for companies to respect human rights, including providing for or cooperating in remediation when they have caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts.

This report profiles six multi-national companies who have sought to address access to remedy by reimbursing workers found to have paid fees. Each of the remediation programmes vary in size and structure and have been shaped by the local contexts in which these companies operate. Together, they have provided a form of remedy for thousands of workers amounting to millions of dollars in the last decade.

Responsible Recruitment: Remediating Worker - Paid Recruitment Fees - IHRB, 2017 DOWNLOAD














Eliminating child labour in fisheries and aquaculture – Promoting decent work and sustainable fish value chains

Worldwide, the majority of child labour is concentrated in the agricultural sector, including fisheries and aquaculture. This brief provides an overview of children’s engagement in child labour in fisheries and aquaculture, the risks they are ex...Read More

2016 National Hotline Annual Report

The following information is based on incoming communication to the National Human Trafficking Hotline from January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016 about human trafficking cases and issues related to human trafficking in the United States and U.S. ter...Read More


Edited by Sam Okyere and Prabha Kotiswaran. This is the eighth volume of the series Beyond Trafficking and Slavery Short Course. Women and girls, 'new abolitionists' say, are disproportionately affected by trafficking because of their preval...Read More

Covid-19 and potential implications on human trafficking and other forms of modern slavery internationally

COVID-19 is a global pandemic affecting every country in the world. Similarly, modern slavery is a global threat that affects every country in the world. This briefing aims to highlight some of the global concerns and increased potential threats aro...Read More