This briefing supports investors to engage with companies on their actions to tackle
modern slavery and human trafficking in their operations and supply chains. It provides
investors with:

  • A rationale for engagement: modern slavery risks are pervasive in business supply chains and have the potential to impact on reputation and share price.
  • Criteria for corporate engagement: which companies to prioritise?
  • Questions to initiate dialogue: engaging with companies that have only just started to consider their exposure to modern slavery, as well as questions for companies that are more advanced in addressing this issue.
  • Guidance on evaluating companies’ responses: fundamentals for all companies on understanding modern slavery risk.
  • Ideas for further action: including considering modern slavery risks when constructing investment portfolios, through to supporting ccooperations and engaging policy makers on the issues.
Engaging with Companies on Modern Slavery – A Briefing for Investors - CORE, 2017 DOWNLOAD














Guidelines for the Development of a Transnational Referral Mechanism for Trafficked Persons in Europe: TRM-EU

Considering the intrinsic transnational nature of trafficking, the partners of the project “Development of a Transnational Referral Mechanism for Victims of Trafficking between Countries of Origin and Destination – TRM-EU” decided to develop a...Read More

Worker Voice-Driven Ethical Recruitment Toolkit
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

First released in November 2017, the Issara Worker Voice-Driven Ethical Recruitment Toolkit has been expanded and updated through the years to meet the needs of suppliers and recruitment agencies in South and Southeast Asia. This new October 2022 v...Read More

TAGS: Asia
A stitch in time saved none: How fashion brands fueled violence in the factory and beyond

This study documents women garment workers’ experiences of gender- based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asian production countries. It elaborates “economic harm” as a form of GBVH, underscoring how the b...Read More

Regional mapping of trafficking and vulnerable migrants’ routes: Collective CSO data on migration routes in the east and Horn of Africa

Civil society organizations across the seven states of the Horn of Africa welcome this mapping of regional routes, the relevant trends collaboration among groups in the region, and the enhanced cooperation around fighting human trafficking. Victims ...Read More