The report is an industry-focused analysis of the Malaysian palm oil industry with specific insights into the industry’s governance and investment framework, relevant labour laws that apply to migrant workers in the industry and various dispute resolution mechanisms that are available to address disputes of individuals and communities affected by the operations. Several initiatives and guidance to improve the governance and social framework, certification standards and responsible investment including Environmental Social Governance reporting are discussed to highlight the multiple opportunities that are available to a range of stakeholders including the business community, civil society, law enforcement and industry bodies in the palm oil industry to leverage existing opportunities to improve social standards particularly social issues that affect the migrant worker communities and create a change in business practices that respond to and respect the human rights.

Malaysia's Palm Oil Industry - Liberty Asia, 2018 DOWNLOAD














Unseen Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline Annual Assessment

This report provides an assessment of the UK-wide Modern Slavery Helpline’s operations in 2019 detailing the number, type and nature of calls, webforms and app submissions received between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2019 and the number and dem...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Hidden Chains: Rights Abuses and Forced Labour in Thailand’s Fishing Industry

The report by Human Rights Watch describes how migrant fishers from neighboring countries in Southeast Asia are often trafficked into fishing work, prevented from changing employers, not paid on time, and paid below the minimum wage. Migrant workers ...Read More

What makes people Vulnerable to Human Trafficking?

Blue Dragon’s mission is to provide exceptional care for children in crisis, while creating longterm change for a better world. Blue Dragon has two long-term goals: ensuring all street children in Hanoi have access to services and opportunities to...Read More

Transnational Organized Crime and the Impact on the Private Sector: The Hidden Battalions

Authors: Robin Cartwright & Frances Cleland-Bones This paper is based on the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime's detailed review of the scale and nature of organised crime’s infiltration of the private sector.  These find...Read More

TAGS: Global