This report provides actionable recommendations to the U.S. government for its work both nationally and internationally, as it cooperates with state and local governments, NGOs, faithbased organizations, community members, businesses, and philanthropists to further engage sur vivors to prevent human trafficking and engrain sur vivors as allies for lasting solutions to this heinous crime. For each topic addressed, our report provides an over view, identifies three recommendations to improve federal anti-trafficking policies, and highlights areas for future cooperation. Before the release of our annual report in 2017, we ask that PITF agencies work with us to implement our recommendations.

United States Advisory Council for Human Trafficking Annual Report- United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking, 2016, 2016 DOWNLOAD














Global Modern Slavery Directory (GMSD) Digital Media Toolkit 2021
Online ToolsGuidancePublications

This digital media kit is meant to provide you with the tools and information you need to reach out to and engage with your supporters about the Global Modern Slavery Directory (GMSD). French version- Ce kit média numérique est destiné à vous...Read More

TAGS: Global
Murky Waters – A qualitative Assessment of Modern Slavery in the Pacific Region

While previous qualitative research has exposed select forms of modern slavery in the Pacific, this report provides a comprehensive assessment of modern slavery in the region. The report draws on existing peer-reviewed and grey literature, Wa...Read More

Money Laundering Resulting from the Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Crimes

The main objective of the project is to shed light on the crimes of human trafficking and migrant smuggling through a new typologies project which was among the priorities of the MENAFATF in 2019, by studying the various aspects linked to the topic ...Read More

Role of organized criminal groups with regard to contemporary forms of slavery

The present report is submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 42/10. By providing examples from all geographical regions, it assesses the role of organized criminal groups in contemporary forms of slavery. To that end, the profi...Read More

TAGS: Global