“Implementing Gender-Responsive Employment Contracts” analyses current methods used to monitor the implementation of contracts and makes recommendations to strengthen accountability against the terms of employment contracts.

This article is the third part of a three-part Policy Brief series that identifies actions to develop and implement effective, rights-based and gender responsive protections for women workers migrating from South Asia to the Middle East. The policy briefs address three key stages during which protections for women migrant workers are developed, implemented, and monitored.

This policy brief series forms one part of the “Empowering Women Migrant Workers from South Asia: Toolkit for Gender-responsive Employment and Recruitment” which supports gender-responsive policies and practices to protect and promote the rights of women migrant workers from South Asia.

Migrant Workers in South Asia and the Middle East: Implementing Gender-Responsive Employment Contracts DOWNLOAD














Using Worker Voice Tools to Assess Relationships Between Workers and their Managers

This note focuses on one dimension of how technology-enabled worker voice tools can be used: to gather qualitative data about the nature of relationships between managers and workers or communities at factories, farms, mines, and plantations. This i...Read More

We Need to Do Better– Let’s End Online Child Sexual Abuse Material Crimes in the USA

Despite the astounding growth in child sexual abuse material (CSAM) crimes over the past twenty years, the general public has little understanding about what it means, how vast the problem is, and how violently children are abused in order to produc...Read More

Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation/Forced and Bonded Labour: Identification – Prevention – Prosecution; and Prosecution of Offenders, Justice for Victims
GuidanceGood Practices

This paper focuses on the specifics of labour exploitation, particularly the identification, prevention and prosecution of offenders with the final goal of preventing trafficking and bringing justice for victims. The text is based on the 3rd and 5th...Read More

Communicating with children: A guide for working with children who have or may have been sexually abused

Sexual abuse can be difficult to think about and to talk about: it can feel complex, emotional and even scary. You might worry about ‘getting it wrong’, having to have difficult conversations, ‘opening a can of worms’, and not know...Read More