Whether you are a brand, supplier, government, investor, anti-slavery or labour-rights organization, social auditor, or certifier, your approach to protecting migrant workers is not complete unless it includes a focus on the path that workers take to get a job in the global economy.

This Fair Hiring Toolkit offers tools, guidance, and approaches to support the responsible recruitment and hiring of migrant workers in global supply chains.

The tool can be easily accessed here.














Be My Protector
Online Tools

Be My Protector offers Malaysians the opportunity to report human trafficking, labour violations and child exploitation. In partnership with Tenaganita, Change Your World has created Southeast Asia's first app allowing any person to submit r...Read More

Addressing Forced Labor and other Modern Slavery Risks: A Toolkit for Corporate Suppliers
Online ToolsGuidance

This toolkit aims to help businesses in corporate supply chains quickly identify areas of their business which carry the highest risk of modern slavery and develop a simple plan to prevent and address any identified risks. Businesses operating in...Read More

TAGS: Global
Global Modern Slavery Directory
Online Tools

Modern slavery is a global issue that requires a coordinated global response. This is the case both for the work to eradicate it in the long term, and in the immediate, to help individual survivors find freedom right now. The NGOs, multilateral inst...Read More

TAGS: Global
Stop Slavery Resource Hub
Online Tools

This resource hub is intended to provide a central repository for resources on understanding the risk of modern slavery to business, modern slavery policy and legislation, and how this can be applied to the hotel industry. child labour T...Read More