Employers and business play a vital role in protecting migrant workers and their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many provide essential care, services and goods and, in doing so, rely heavily on their migrant workforce. This includes nurses, doctors and other frontline care workers as well as the agricultural, transport and retail workers that keep our cities and towns supplied with food and other essential items. This resource is designed to help employers more effectively respond to the impact of COVID-19 and to enhance protections for migrant workers in their operations and supply chains. We hope that the guidance it provides will prove valuable.

This document is designed to offer preliminary guidance to employers to enhance their response to the current health crisis brought on by COVID-19 and, in particular, to offer advice to establish effective protections for migrant workers in employer operations and supply chains. It is a “living document” and will be updated regularly for the duration of the pandemic.

COVID-19: Guidance for employers and business to enhance migrant worker protection during the current health crisis DOWNLOAD














Executive Summary of Labour Recruiter Rapid Assessment
COVID-19 resources

COVID-19 has impacted the world on an unprecedented scale: it has caused a global economic slowdown, resulted in international travel bans and restrictions, and transformed the ways people socialize, work and maintain their health and well-being. As...Read More

Operational procedures for remediation of child labour in industrial contexts

Child labour is a complex and growing problem across global supply chains. Successful remediation is not easy to achieve and requires a holistic, multi-stakeholder approach. In every case, the interests of the child need to come first. This docum...Read More

National Human Rights Institutions and Access to Remedy in Business and Human Rights

This two-part report examines the role of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in facilitating access to effective remedy in the context of business and human rights (BHR). The primary objective is to identify trends and patterns in how NHRIs ...Read More

Employment & Recruitment Agencies Sector Guide on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

This document provides guidance for employment and recruitment agencies, information and communications technologies companies, and oil and gas companies for applying the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ...Read More

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