The heightened risks of trafficking in the context of climate change are rooted in existing and persistent inequalities, in poverty, in racism, and in discrimination. These heightened risks and vulnerability to exploitation are not inevitable or fixed, nor are they inherent in the human condition. They arise from policy failures, failures of political will and failures of international cooperation and solidarity. Recognizing these risks is essential to ensuring effective prevention of trafficking and to ensuring that the gender dimensions of such risks are recognized. In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Siobhán Mullally, analyses how gender shapes the experiences of climate-related disasters, displacement and migration and highlights how the negative impact of climate change, and of both sudden and slow-onset disasters, is shaped by gendered inequalities and systemic discrimination. Such inequalities overlap with and reinforce existing experiences of discrimination, including on the grounds of disability, race and ethnicity, migration status, age and religion. Taking seriously the obligations concerning prevention of trafficking in persons requires systemic and urgent law and policy reforms, rooted in international human rights law, addressing climate change, environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity. It also requires implementation and effective enforcement of the principle of non-discrimination, a core principle of international human rights law, and realization of the objective of expanding safe, orderly and regular migration, underpinned by the protection of human rights.

Addressing the Gender Dimensions of Trafficking in Persons in the Context of Climate Change, Displacement and Disaster Risk Reduction - - Report of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Siobhán Mullally - United Nations General Assembly, 2022 DOWNLOAD




















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