The rapid growth of digital technology has revolutionized our lives, transforming the way we connect and communicate. Internet access, mobile devices and social media are now ubiquitous, especially among children. Of the 4.5 billion people with access to the internet today, 1 in 3 are under the age of 18, and they are often unsupervised.

The dark side of this development has been an unprecedented surge in online sexual abuse of children. Not only are children increasingly exposed to abusive behavior online, but today 1 in 5 children are sexually solicited while on- line. Perpetrators pro t from technological advances such as easy sharing of large files, fast live streaming of videos and strong encryption software. Indeed, nearly every facet of online sexual abuse has been made easier by technology, leaving children of all ages more vulnerable than ever online.

This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be leveraged. AI can conduct analysis, provide decision recommendations and carry out actions at a scale, speed and depth of detail not possible for human analysts.

This report explores how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be applied to this context to tackle exploitation of children, including labour exploitation.

Artificial Intelligence- Combating online sexual abuse of children DOWNLOAD














National Hotline 2017 Idaho State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 and is accurate as of July 11, 2018. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may be revealed to the National Hotline over time. Conseq...Read More

Combating modern slavery experienced by Vietnamese nationals en route to, and within, the UK

Vietnam has consistently featured in official statistics on modern slavery as one of the top three source countries for victims of the crime. Driven by this, the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner visited Vietnam in 2015 and subsequently commissi...Read More

Study on Prevention Initiatives on Trafficking in Human Beings

The study examined 43 prevention initiatives, of which a share of 40% concerned actions in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. The vast majority of the (cca 85 %) in the given sample targeted information and awareness-raising measures, followed by capaci...Read More

Labour on a Shoestring: The Realities of Working in Europe’s Shoe Manufacturing Peripheries in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia

Often consumers in Western Europe believe that “Made in Europe” is a synonym for working conditions that are better than in production countries in Asia. This report shows that this is not always the case, and that problematic working conditions...Read More

TAGS: Europe