ECPAT International is a global network of civil society organisations working together to end the sexual exploitation of children (SEC). ECPAT comprises member organisations in over 100 countries who generate knowledge, raise awareness, and advocate to protect children from all forms of sexual exploitation. Key manifestations of SEC include the exploitation of children in prostitution, the sale and trafficking of children for sexual purposes, online child sexual exploitation (OCSE), the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (SECTT) and some forms of child, early and forced marriages (CEFM). None of these contexts or manifestations are isolated, and any discussion of one must be a discussion of SEC altogether. Notably, these contexts and manifestations of SEC are becoming increasingly complex and interlinked as a result of drivers like greater mobility of people, evolving digital technology and rapidly expanding access to communications. Now more than ever, the lines between different manifestations of SEC are blurred and children may be victimised in multiple ways.

The ECPAT Summary Papers explore each of these five manifestations but should be considered a set addressing this complex problem. This Summary Paper focuses attention on the ways that CEFM can be a form of, or a pathway to SEC.

Child, early and forced marriages as a form of, or pathway to sexual exploitation of children - ECPAT International, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Code of conduct for foreign NGOs: Investigating human trafficking and child sexual exploitation & participating in rescues of victims

This document was created as an accompanying document to our “NGO Involvement in Raid/Rescue Operations” Webinar, which was held in May 2017. The webinar examined the risks and benefits, how to conduct better operations, as well as provided opti...Read More

“To help workers, I would tell the Government to…” Participatory Research with Workers in the UK Hospitality Sector

This report is the second of three working papers exploring the experiences and drivers of labour abuse and exploitation in three understudied low-paid sectors of the economy: cleaning, hospitality and the app-based courier sector. It highlights k...Read More

A comprehensive analysis of policies and frameworks governing foreign employment for Nepali women migrant workers and migrant domestic workers

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TAGS: Asia
National Hotline 2017 Tennessee State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 and is accurate as of July 11, 2018. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may be revealed to the National Hotline over time. Conseq...Read More