Whilst this guidance is focused on debt bondage within a Criminal Exploitation and County Lines Context, this is a method of control well documented in other forms of exploitation including international trafficking and sexual exploitation. Therefore, some of the guidance within this document may also be useful for professionals engaging with those exploited through debt bondage in contexts other than, or as well as, Criminal Exploitation and County Lines. Victims of debt bondage can be from any community, background, age, or demographic. This guidance is aimed at professionals working with both children and adults at risk.

Debt Bondage in a Criminal Exploitation and County Lines Context: A Support Resource for Professionals - The Children’s Society, 2022 DOWNLOAD














Human Trafficking Victims Monitoring Report: 2016-2020 Management Summary

It is clearer than ever that human trafficking is not an isolated problem. This is evident from the reports published by the National Rapporteur in recent years. The Human Trafficking Victims Monitoring Report 2016–2020 highlights this once again....Read More

Preventing and addressing abuse and exploitation: A guide for police and labour inspectors working with migrants

Migrants with insecure immigration status often feel unable to report cases of abuse and exploitation for fear that government authorities will prioritise their immigration status over the harm they have experienced and that they will face seri...Read More

Review of Models of Care for Trafficking Survivors in Thailand

As a country of origin, destination, and transit for forced labour and human trafficking, Thailand has been expanding its efforts to offer shelter and assistance to both Thai and foreign citizens, however, some gaps remain. Using international stand...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Technical Note: COVID-19 and Child Labour
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

The United Nations declared 2021 the International year for the Elimination of Child Labour, an effort to eradicate this form of abuse and exploitation, a milestone in reaching the Sustainable Development Goal target 8.7. Worldwide, an estimated 152...Read More

TAGS: Global