Case records on identified victims of human trafficking are highly sensitive, yet the ability to share such data is critical to evidence-based practice and policy development across government, business, and civil society. We propose new methods to anonymize, publish, and explore data on identified victims of trafficking, implemented as a single pipeline producing three data artifacts: synthetic microdata modelled on sensitive case records and released in their place, mitigating the privacy risk that traffickers might link distinctive combinations of attributes in published records to known victims; aggregate data summarizing the precomputed frequencies of all short attribute combinations, mitigating the utility risk that synthetic data might misrepresent statistics needed for official reporting; and visual analytics interfaces for parallel exploration and evaluation of synthetic data representations and sensitive data aggregates, mitigating the accessibility risk that privacy mechanisms or analysis tools might not be understandable or usable by all stakeholders. Central to our mitigation of these risks is the notion of k-synthetic data, which we generate through a distributed machine learning pipeline. k-synthetic data preserves privacy by ensuring that longer combinations of attributes are not rare in the sensitive dataset and thus potentially identifying; it preserves utility by ensuring that shorter combinations of attributes are both present and frequent in the sensitive dataset; and it improves accessibility by being easy to explain and apply. We present our work as a design study motivated by the goal of creating a new privacy-preserving data platform for the Counter-Trafficking Data Collaborative (CTDC), transforming how the world’s largest database of identified victims is made available for global collaboration against human trafficking.

Design of a Privacy-Preserving Data Platform for Collaboration Against Human Trafficking - Microsoft, May 2020 DOWNLOAD














List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor – The 2016 List in Numbers
Graphics & Infographics

The U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau Of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) maintains a list of goods and their source countries which it has reason to believe are produced by child labour or forced labour in violation of international standards, as ...Read More

Know Your Rights Guide

This guide was written for all migrants living in the UK, including those without documents and those trying to regularise their immigration status, including asylum seekers. This guide is to help them understand their rights in a situation wher...Read More

TAGS: Europe
‘Of course people will hire the white person’: Social and economic inclusion of migrant women in Vancouver, Canada

In 2020, the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) initiated a research project to document migrant and trafficked women’s experiences with social and economic inclusion. Some of the questions we sought to answer included: wha...Read More

Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2022: Insights Report
News & AnalysisGuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) assessed three sectors in 2022: food and agricultural products (57 companies), ICT manufacturing (43 companies) and automotive manufacturing (29 companies). The revised CHRB methodology devotes more at...Read More

TAGS: Global