October 8, 2020 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Digital Tools to Boost Collaboration and Productivity
Tech Against Trafficking and BT will be hosting an online event to help you unlock the potential of your organization through the use of digital tools. The event will feature a Skills for Tomorrow workshop by BT. 


Date and Time

Thursday, October 8, 2020 | 15:00 – 16:00 (UK time)

Full Agenda

15:00 – 15:05: Introduction and overview – Tech Against Trafficking

15:05 – 15:15: How digital tools can support your organization – Freedom Fund

15:15 – 16:00: Collaborative tools to boost productivity – BT

More Details About the Session

COVID-19 has forced anti-trafficking organizations around the world to move online; pushing teams providing vital services to consider how to effectively transition programming to the digital sphere. This session will explore how to harness the power of digital tools to help boost your organization’s productivity as online, remote work becomes the ‘new normal’. During the session, we’ll introduce technologies and best practices that can be used by organizations of all different sizes, operating in geographies all over the globe. The goal is to enhance your team’s knowledge and confidence, by giving you an understanding of how to succeed with various collaborative tools from Slack to Microsoft Teams; to selecting the best video conferencing tool for your organization; to enhancing creative exercises and collaboration online with Mural, Trello, and more.

Online Session

We are following government guidelines; this event will be held as a virtual event rather than face to face. Your health and wellbeing are our priority. Please follow the instructions below to join:

  1. Join the event HERE
  2. You can join on mobile, tablet, or desktop.
  3. At any point, if you have a question, you can ask it in the Q&A area.
  4. We’ll collate all questions and be sure to answer as many as possible at the end of each session.




















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