Business Call to Action and BSR are organising an online Masterclass on Inclusive Business and Human Rights. Learn how respecting and promoting human rights is an essential part of being an inclusive business, and the ways it can positively impact your competitiveness, reputation, and ability to secure and retain investment.
The Masterclass is composed of four parts:
Human Rights 101;
Sectoral Deep Dives (4);
Data Protection and Privacy;
and Using the Human Rights Toolkit.
Through these one-hour sessions, they will take a practical look at why respect for human rights should be integrated into inclusive business models and guidance on how businesses can do so effectively. The sessions will be led by BSR experts in the business and human rights field with extensive experience working with companies to manage their human rights impacts and implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Human Rights 101 – Intro to Human Rights Oct 16 (4-5 PM GMT+3)
Learn about what human rights are, why they’re important for inclusive businesses, and how you can successfully implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Human Rights 201 – Food, Beverages, Agriculture Oct 18 (4-5 PM GMT+3)
Join this Masterclass to learn about the human rights risks and opportunities specific to the Food, Beverage, and Ag sector—and how you can successfully apply a human rights framework to your business. It builds on our 101 Masterclass webinar and specifically looks at the most relevant human rights impacts for the Food, Beverage, and Ag sector, including forced labour, right to water, and food security.
Human Rights 202 – Consumer Goods Oct 23 (4-5 PM GMT+3)
Join this Masterclass to learn about the human rights risks and opportunities specific to the Consumer Goods sector—and how you can successfully apply a human rights framework to your business. It builds on our 101 Masterclass webinar and specifically looks at the most relevant human rights impacts for the Consumer Goods sector, including forced labour, child labour, and worker welfare.
Human Rights 203 – Financial Services Oct 25 (4-5 PM GMT+3)
Join this Masterclass to learn about the human rights risks and opportunities specific to the Financial Services sector—and how you can successfully apply a human rights framework to your business. It builds on our 101 Masterclass webinar and specifically looks at the most relevant human rights impacts for the Financial Services sector, including customer due diligence, bribery and corruption, and discrimination.
Human Rights 204 – Infrastructure, Utilities, Energy Oct 30 (4-5 PM GMT+3)
Join this Masterclass to learn about the human rights risks and opportunities specific to the Infrastructure, Utilities, and Energy sector—and how you can successfully apply a human rights framework to your business. It builds on our 101 Masterclass webinar and specifically looks at the most relevant human rights impacts for the Infrastructure, Utilities, and Energy sector, including health and safety, bribery and corruption, and vulnerable consumers.
Human Rights 301 – Data protection and Privacy Oct 31 (4-5 PM GMT+3)
Join this Masterclass to learn about how data protection and privacy risks relate to human rights—and how businesses can successfully respect the privacy rights of their customers and employees. It builds on our 101 Masterclass webinar and specifically looks at the data and privacy impacts relevant to almost all businesses.
Human Rights 401 – Using the Human Rights Toolkit Nov 1 (4-5 PM GMT+3)
Join this Masterclass to learn about how to use all the elements of the Human Rights Toolkit that the BCtA and BSR have developed to help kickstart your human rights efforts. Whether it’s doing a rapid assessment of your business’ human rights risks, or starting a grievance mechanism, these tools will help you better respect human rights throughout your business. This session will be led by experts in the business and human rights field with extensive experience working with companies to manage their human rights impacts and implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Each session will be a live Q+A throughout so you will have the opportunity to post your questions directly to the speakers in the session. If you can’t make one of the sessions, recordings will be posted online soon after.
The second webinar of the RESPECT Webinar Series 2017 New technologies, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Tackling Human Trafficking was held on Thursday, 26th of January 2017. How are new technologies and innovations impacting human trafficking? How can new technologies and innovation address...
The fifth webinar of the RESPECT Webinar Series 2017 New technologies, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Tackling Human Trafficking was held on Thursday, April 20 , 2017. With the altering terrain of cyberspace, criminal activity has been greatly impacted. Law enforcement and other key stakeholders face...
In illegal mining, there is a high incidence of human trafficking for forced labour, including a system in which debt bondage is achieved by providing workers with advances or start-up capital. Workers in the mining sector are employed under extremely...
Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery. Although strictly speaking, slavery is no longer legal in most countries in the world, many slavery-like practices such as confiscating personal identity cards and travel documents, forcing and imprisoning people against their...