Right now, climate change is negatively affecting many of the most vulnerable people in the poorest countries in the world. A combination of sudden-onset disasters and slow-onset events are having a destabilising effect on urban and, in particular, rural communities. In many parts of the world the effects of climate change are exacerbated by economic activities that cause environmental degradation. Together these factors worsen pre-existing socio-economic vulnerabilities, deepen exclusion and marginalisation, drive displacement and migration, and heighten the risk of contemporary slavery for children and adults.

Covid-19’s devastating impact is also deepening economic and social inequalities, driving millions of people into situations of vulnerability and exploitation, including human trafficking, forced labour and debt bondage. These crises need to be tackled together to make sure that people who are made vulnerable to contemporary forms of slavery have the social protections and working conditions they need to lead their lives in dignity.

From a vicious to a virtuous circle: Addressing climate change, environmental destruction and contemporary slavery - Anti-slavery International, 2020 DOWNLOAD














GRETA Third Evaluation Report– Austria

In its third report on Austria, the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) analyses trafficking victims’ access to justice and effective remedies and examines progress in the implementation of ...Read More

TAGS: Europe
General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment- Definition of Recruitment Fees and Related Costs

The objective of these non-binding ILO general principles and operational guidelines for fair recruitment (hereafter “principles and guidelines”) is to inform the current and future work of the ILO and of other organizations, national legislatur...Read More

From Vulnerability to Resilience: Sex Workers Organising to End Exploitation

Sex workers globally organize, unionize and develop initiatives to protect themselves from violence, exploitation, and human rights violations. They share strategies of how to work independently, where to work and how to keep themselves safe. Many s...Read More

A practical guide for SMEs on how to mitigate the risk of modern slavery in their operations.

This toolkit, jointly developed by STOP THE TRAFFIK and Shiva Foundation, seeks to provide practical guidance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on how they can prevent modern slavery in their business operations. We recognise that many u...Read More

TAGS: Europe