Corporate human rights reporting is a commonly expected practice and is increasingly becoming a legal requirement for businesses. Under the international framework of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), states should “encourage, and where appropriate require, business enterprises to communicate how they address their human rights impacts.” In the past few years, several countries have passed laws that mandate companies disclose their policies and practices aimed specifically at preventing forced labour and human trafficking in their supply chains. The first such disclosure law, the Transparency in Supply Chains Act, was passed in California in 2010. In 2015, the United Kingdom passed the Modern Slavery Act (U.K. MSA), a comprehensive law that seeks to eradicate modern slavery and includes a transparency provision for businesses that improves upon the base model laid out in the California Act. The Australian government passed a modern slavery law in December of 2018, and similar bills have also been introduced in Canada and the United States. Other jurisdictions have passed or are exploring legislation mandating that companies conduct human rights due diligence and report on such efforts. In this context, it is crucial to assess how effective modern slavery transparency legislation has been, as well as to identify ways to ensure reporting practices have the intended impact.

Full Disclosure: Towards Better Modern Slavery Reporting DOWNLOAD














Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Online: Survivors’ perspectives

Over the last few years, research about child sexual exploitation and abuse online has received increased attention, particularly as our lives shifted further online during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the picture remains decidedly unclear – pa...Read More

Recommendations for Addressing Forced Labor Risk in the Cocoa Sector of Côte D’Ivoire

Forced Labor — and human trafficking for forced labor — have been documented as recently as 2018 in the cocoa sector in Côte d’Ivoire, with one recent study by the Walk Free Foundation and Tulane University estimating the number of victims at...Read More

Final Evaluation: Final Performance Evaluation of the Pilares Project

On December 15, 2017, USDOL/ILAB awarded Pact U.S. $2,000,000 over a three-year period to support the project entitled “Building the Capacity of Civil Society to Combat Child Labor and Forced Labor and Improve Working Conditions,” or “Pilares...Read More

TAGS: Reporting
Legal Deserts Report 2.0
News & AnalysisGuidance

In July 2021, The Avery Center and the National Survivor Law Collective (NSL Collective) co-authored the first Legal Deserts Report to depict the landscape of legal services for survivors of trafficking. Specifically, The Avery Center's research tea...Read More