The purpose of this guide is to give companies a brief overview on the risks of labour exploitation and demonstrate how the involvement in such scenarios can be avoided. The content is intended to be used as an information and risk management tool, which can help to promote ethically defensible enterprise that respects human rights.
Even though the content is somewhat geared towards the Finnish context, any company that is or may become involved in labour exploitation, one way or another, can make use of the guide. It also features checklists, which contain various measures with which companies are able to reduce the risk of exploitation, especially in subcontracting and production chains.

This guidance is always available in Finnish and Swedish.

Guidelines for Businesses and Employers for Risk Management in Subcontracting Chains - Heuni, 2018 DOWNLOAD
Opas yrityksille ja työnantajille riskienhallintaan erityisesti alihankintaketjuissa - Työvoiman hyväksikäytön ja ihmiskaupan ennaltaehkäisy Suomessa - Heuni, 2018 DOWNLOAD
Handbok för företag och arbetsgivare om riskhantering särskilt i underleveranskedjor - Heuni, 2018 DOWNLOAD














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