Since 2013, the number of British nationals referred into the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) as potential victims of modern slavery has increased year on year, rising from 90 in 2013 to 3,952 in 2021. These figures include potential adult and child victims, referred for labour, criminal and sexual exploitation as well as domestic servitude. The largest proportion of these referrals in 2021 was for criminal exploitation involving children, representing 55% of all referrals of British nationals. Recent studies have begun to uncover the experiences of British nationals who are exploited in modern slavery, including findings that British survivors are failed by the current support system (see Centre for Social Justice and Justice and Care report). Through analysis of data collected via surveys, interviews with survivors, support practitioners and criminal justice professionals, and a review of case law and legislation, this scoping study investigated the pathways to support for British nationals who are potential victims of modern slavery.

Identifying Pathways to Support British Victims of Modern Slavery towards Safety and Recovery: A Scoping Study - St Mary’s University Twickenham, London, 2022 DOWNLOAD














Risk Assessment Matrix

This tool is used to map the risks related to a return to the country of origin and the first needs of the victim. The risk and needs assessment should be performed jointly by partners involved in both the country of destination and in the country o...Read More

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