This case study is one of a series of case studies to supplement the global campaign report, Ripe for Change, drawing attention to the plight of specific groups of small-scale farmers or workers in international food value chains and/or promoting successful alternative approaches.

Poverty is widespread among the small-scale farmers and workers who produce and process our food, in an industry worth billions of dollars. Oxfam’s new campaign highlights the systemic inequality and human suffering in food supply chains– and shows how action by supermarkets, governments, small-scale farmers and workers could lead to a decent and dignified standard of living for millions of people.

This case study reveals how many banana farmers in the Philippines are being pushed deeper into poverty by the companies who buy their bananas for export. While many have gained ownership of their land through the government’s land reform programme, they are now locked into contracts with banana buyers that, in Oxfam’s opinion, are grossly unjust. Without action, these one-sided deals will keep banana farmers and their families in debt for generations– while company profits continue to rise.

Land But No Freedom: Debt, poverty and human suffering in the Philippine banana trade - Oxfam, 2018 DOWNLOAD














National Hotline 2018 Georgia State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 and is accurate as of July 25, 2019. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may revealed to the National Hotline over time. Consequen...Read More

2018 UK Annual Report on Modern Slavery

This Annual Report focuses on the steps the UK Government, the Scottish Government and the Northern Ireland Executive have taken in 2018 to combat modern slavery, including human trafficking.

TAGS: Europe
Underground Lives: Forgotten Children- the Intergenerational Impact of Modern Slavery
News & AnalysisGuidancePublications

Thousands of children affected by modern slavery are being failed by the system. There are at least 5,000 children of modern slavery victims in the UK and the majority are not getting the support they need, with many more potentially lost in the ...Read More

TAGS: Europe
What’s changed for Syrian refugees in Turkish garment supply chains?

An estimated 650,000 Syrian refugees have fled their home country to escape bloodshed and have found a lifeline working in Turkey, with many working in the garment industry. Without these jobs, many families would face desperate times and would stru...Read More