This case study is one of a series of case studies to supplement the global campaign report, Ripe for Change, drawing attention to the plight of specific groups of small-scale farmers or workers in international food value chains and/or promoting successful alternative approaches.

Poverty is widespread among the small-scale farmers and workers who produce and process our food, in an industry worth billions of dollars. Oxfam’s new campaign highlights the systemic inequality and human suffering in food supply chains– and shows how action by supermarkets, governments, small-scale farmers and workers could lead to a decent and dignified standard of living for millions of people.

This case study reveals how many banana farmers in the Philippines are being pushed deeper into poverty by the companies who buy their bananas for export. While many have gained ownership of their land through the government’s land reform programme, they are now locked into contracts with banana buyers that, in Oxfam’s opinion, are grossly unjust. Without action, these one-sided deals will keep banana farmers and their families in debt for generations– while company profits continue to rise.

Land But No Freedom: Debt, poverty and human suffering in the Philippine banana trade - Oxfam, 2018 DOWNLOAD














Recent Migration Trends in the Americas
News & AnalysisGuidancePublications

This report seeks to inform the discussions at the Summit of the Americas in June 2022 by providing background on migration on the continent and in particular recent dynamics pending data availability. The Global Compact of Migration recognized in t...Read More

Promoting Responsible Recovery: Detecting, Mitigating, and Remediating Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Session 2

This briefing forms part of a broader five session series of webinars standing to tackle contemporary issues impacting modern slavery in supply chains, calling for candid discussion and pragmatic solutions. Workers themselves know better than any...Read More

DEMAND. A Comparative Examination of Sex Tourism and Trafficking in Jamaica, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States

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How COVID-19 restrictions and the economic consequences are likely to impact migrant smuggling and cross-border trafficking in persons to Europe and North America

The unprecedented crisis that COVID-19 has suddenly unleashed upon the. world is affecting all aspects of society and is likely to have an effect on the routes and characteristics of both regular and irregular migration. Smuggling of migrants and tr...Read More