The digital environment is an integral part of today’s society. While we must recognise and celebrate the ways in which it facilitates and strengthens access to rights for children, we cannot ignore the increased risks to the child’s right to privacy, health and even to a life free from violence. Where sexual violence has been facilitated or perpetrated by the use of information and communication technologies, the devastating consequences can have a long-lasting impact, often spreading across borders and rippling across the world wide web. The European Court of Human Rights recalls that member States are under positive duties: to adopt effective criminal law provisions to repress child abuse and to ensure adequate law enforcement machinery to prevent, suppress and punish such acts.














Principles for responsible contracts. Integrating the management of human rights risks into state-investor contract negotiations. Guidance for Negotiators

This publication identifies ten key principles to help integrate the management of human rights risks into contract negotiations on investment projects between host State entities and foreign business investors. This publication has been developed...Read More

TAGS: Global
Accountability and Remedy in Global Supply Chains: Considerations for Workers and Unions

For decades, workers, unions, students, and labour NGOs have joined together to try to hold global corporations accountable for the labour violations that have routinely taken place in their supply chains. Multi-faceted and often lengthy corporate c...Read More

TAGS: Global
Country policy research workshop on Uganda: Workshop briefing

On 9-10 February 2022, Delta 8.7 convened a policy research workshop in partnership with the Refugee Law Project, Makerere University School of Law and the Irish Centre for Human Rights at the School of Law, National University of Ireland - Galway. ...Read More

‘Of course people will hire the white person’: Social and economic inclusion of migrant women in Vancouver, Canada

In 2020, the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) initiated a research project to document migrant and trafficked women’s experiences with social and economic inclusion. Some of the questions we sought to answer included: wha...Read More