The digital environment is an integral part of today’s society. While we must recognise and celebrate the ways in which it facilitates and strengthens access to rights for children, we cannot ignore the increased risks to the child’s right to privacy, health and even to a life free from violence. Where sexual violence has been facilitated or perpetrated by the use of information and communication technologies, the devastating consequences can have a long-lasting impact, often spreading across borders and rippling across the world wide web. The European Court of Human Rights recalls that member States are under positive duties: to adopt effective criminal law provisions to repress child abuse and to ensure adequate law enforcement machinery to prevent, suppress and punish such acts.














Tackling modern slavery: A guide for landlords

The Home Office estimates that there are around 13,000 victims of modern slavery in the UK. There could be many more. Many will be living in private rented accommodation. This guide has been designed to help landlords:• reduce the risk of modern s...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Business: It’s time to act – decent work, modern slavery & child labour

Decent work cannot exist where modern slavery and child labour persist. Forced labour, modern slavery and child labour are complex problems associated with poverty, governance failures and inequalities in the global labour market. Tackling them requ...Read More

Legislating Human Rights Due Diligence: Respecting rights or ticking boxes?

Momentum to enact mandatory human rights due diligence (HRDD) legislation is building around the world. Such legislation is necessary to ensure corpo- rations respect human rights and that victims of corporate abuse have access to justice and remedy...Read More

Risk Assessment Matrix

This tool is used to map the risks related to a return to the country of origin and the first needs of the victim. The risk and needs assessment should be performed jointly by partners involved in both the country of destination and in the country o...Read More

TAGS: Global