After presenting the research methodology and profile of the fishermen in the sample, this paper presents three key analyses: the first explores the means of control and exploitation of Burmese and Cambodian fishermen on Thai fishing vessels, providing a nuanced picture of the nature of exploitation at sea. The second analysis applies rigorous statistical modeling methods to estimate the prevalence of human trafficking in the Thai fishing industry, as well as key risk factors. The third analysis explores differences in risky labour practices across different types of commercial fishing vessels in the Thai fishing industry, in recognition of how the diversity of fishing operations and gear creates variation in working conditions, treatment, and other key aspects of work.

Not in the Same Boat: Prevalence & Patterns of Labour Abuse Across Thailand's Diverse Fishing Industry - Issara Institute and International Justice Mission, 2017 DOWNLOAD














The Nexus of Illegal Gold Mining and Human Trafficking in Global Supply Chains

In-depth research carried out by Verité has found that Latin American countries export staggering amounts of illegally mined gold, which is tied to human trafficking, as well as legal and reputational risk for major companies with gold in their su...Read More

“To help workers, I would tell the Government to…” Participatory Research with Workers in the UK Hospitality Sector

This report is the second of three working papers exploring the experiences and drivers of labour abuse and exploitation in three understudied low-paid sectors of the economy: cleaning, hospitality and the app-based courier sector. It highlights k...Read More

The OECD Due Diligence for Responsible Corporate Lending and Securities Underwriting

On October 28th, 2019, the OECD launched new guidance on Due Diligence for Responsible Corporate Lending and Securities Underwriting (hereinafter “the guidance”). The guidance is based and elaborates on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Ente...Read More

TAGS: Global
Child Labour Platform: Recommendations for companies

This compilation includes examples of approaches that multiple companies in the textile and garments, cocoa, tourism and/or mining sectors have adopted to prevent and remediate child labour. These examples were identified on the basis of informati...Read More