In 2020, the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) initiated a research project to document migrant and trafficked women’s experiences with social and economic inclusion. Some of the questions we sought to answer included: what work, education, and training opportunities are available to migrant and trafficked women in countries of destination or upon return to the country of origin? Are these relevant to the local labour market or do they reinforce gender stereotypes and condemn women to a life of low-wage work? What barriers prevent women from enjoying productive, well-paid, and rewarding work? What, if any, government assistance is available to them? How do women articulate their own ambitions and desires with regards to their work and social life?

'Of course people will hire the white person': Social and economic inclusion of migrant women in Vancouver, Canada - Global Alliance Against Traffic of Women, June 2022 DOWNLOAD














Analysing Modern Slavery Risks in Portfolio Companies: Guidance for Investors

As a result of the progressive legalization of international business and human rights “soft law” standards, the “S” of “ESG” is no longer an optional criterion for investors to include in their decision-making process, but it is becomin...Read More

Psychometric Measures of Empowerment and Disempowerment of Survivors of Human Trafficking

Prepared by Sanjeev Dasgupta and Ana Maria Soto, Issara Institute. According to the 2017 Global Estimates of Modern Slavery, there are about 40 million people living in modern slavery situations worldwide. The Asia-Pacific region has the highest...Read More

A Guide for Survivors of Sex Trafficking During COVID-19
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

Written by Cristian Eduardo and Shobana Powell. The purpose of this guide is to empower survivors and service providers with psychoeducation on how COVID-19 might be particularly triggering for survivors of human trafficking, but we acknowledge t...Read More

TAGS: Global
Model Contract Clauses to Protect Workers In International Supply Chains
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

The American Bar Association (ABA) Business Law Section Working Group undertook an extensive project to help buyers and suppliers redesign their contracts to better protect human rights in supply chains, with a focus on a cooperative approach with s...Read More