The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the practice of many professionals, including those in the field of child protection.

In order to support front line workers and managers in their work to protect children during this time of pandemic, Terre des hommes Foundation has developed some practical info sheets on various areas of intervention. These info sheets highlight key considerations and recommendations for planning and delivering CP remote interventions. This includes 5 separate info sheets (see below.)

Child Protection Services: Choosing Modality - Child Protection Hub for South East Europe, 2020 DOWNLOAD
Remote Child Protection Services: Ensuring Safety - Child Protection Hub for South East Europe, 2020 DOWNLOAD
Child Protection Case Management - Child Protection Hub for South East Europe, 2020 DOWNLOAD
MPHSS Interventions - Child Protection Hub for South East Europe, 2020 DOWNLOAD
Remote Psychological First Aid - Child Protection Hub for South East Europe, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Screening Interview Form

The Screening Interview Form is a document enabling relevant stakeholders to identify the beneficiary as a victim by gathering information related to the trafficking process. It should be completed by one person (case-worker) in coordination with pa...Read More

TAGS: Global
Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation/Forced and Bonded Labour: Identification – Prevention – Prosecution; and Prosecution of Offenders, Justice for Victims
GuidanceGood Practices

This paper focuses on the specifics of labour exploitation, particularly the identification, prevention and prosecution of offenders with the final goal of preventing trafficking and bringing justice for victims. The text is based on the 3rd and 5th...Read More

Special Issue – Anti-Trafficking Education

The past decade has seen a dramatic increase in the sites for anti-trafficking education and the range of educators who shape how the public and institutions understand and respond to human trafficking. The aim of this Special Issue of Anti-Traff...Read More

Spotlight Report on Global Migration

Rampant labor exploitation in temporary migration schemes, climate crisis, prevalent vaccine apartheid, trag- edies at borders and in detention centers, everyday pre- carities of undocumented migrants, and the deplorable working conditions of many m...Read More