This report seeks to inform the discussions at the Summit of the Americas in June 2022 by providing background on migration on the continent and in particular recent dynamics pending data availability. The Global Compact of Migration recognized in the objective 1 the need to collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies and interventions which guarantee that migration takes in a safe, orderly and regular manner. Data are the foundation for designing evidence-based public policies, informing public discourse, monitoring and evaluating implementation of commitments over time and developing concrete actions which maximize the benefits of migration.

Recent Migration Trends in the Americas - International Organization for Migration, 2022 DOWNLOAD














Operational procedures for remediation of child labour in industrial contexts

Child labour is a complex and growing problem across global supply chains. Successful remediation is not easy to achieve and requires a holistic, multi-stakeholder approach. In every case, the interests of the child need to come first. This docum...Read More

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