This brief is part of a series highlighting how we can leverage the commitments governments have made to guarantee human rights to steer us towards a just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic response has demanded a greater role for the state in many countries. In the recovery, governments will set the broad regulatory framework that will define what business can and can’t do in terms of workers’ and community rights. Crucially, they will also devise business bailouts, forgivable loans, and other publicly funded incentives. These should be designed to reward responsible business conduct and prevent abuse.

This brief focuses on the protection and strengthening of international standards for human rights in businesses in the process of recovery of those businesses seriously affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The brief suggests a series of conditions companies should meet in order to receive public funds, as well as a range of accompanying measures that can enhance the transformative potential of bailout conditions.

Recovering Rights Series: Business and Human Rights in a Just Recovery - Business & Human Rights Resource Centre and Center for Economic and Social Rights, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Survival at the Expense of the Weakest? Managing Modern Slavery Risks in Supply Chains During COVID-19
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

This paper reflects on the implications of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on modern slavery risks in supply chains. We first reason that the global supply and demand shock resulting from COVID-19 exacerbates workers’ vulnerability to modern s...Read More

TAGS: Global
Actions speak louder: Assessing bank responses to human rights violations

The UN’s new “Roadmap for the Next Decade” of Busi- ness and Human Rights, published in November 2021, begins by setting out the need to raise the ambition and increase the pace of implementing respect for human rights. The road...Read More

COVID-19 and Human Trafficking– the Amplified Impact on Vulnerable Populations
COVID-19 resources

Written by Jonathan Todres and Angela Diaz. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has not only revealed inequities, it has also exacerbated them. Already-vulnerable populations are bearing the brunt of the health impacts of COVID-19 an...Read More

Leadership in the Times of COVID Pandemic
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

The exercise was done with some social workers from the field to understand their thoughts, feelings and unexpressed emotions using visual imagery. Sometimes verbalizing the internal emotional experience during a stressful period becomes difficult. ...Read More