There is no procedure for the identification of victims of human trafficking which is independent of the criminal investigation. GRETA urges the Czech authorities to disconnect the identification of victims of human trafficking from the initiation of criminal proceedings and to put in place a formalized victim identification procedure which defines the roles and responsibilities of all relevant stakeholders and promotes a multi-agency approach by involving specialized NGOs, labour inspectors, social workers, child protection specialists and health-care staff. GRETA also asks the authorities to pay increased attention to the proactive detection of victims of trafficking amongst asylum seekers and persons placed in administrative detention pending removal.

Report concerning the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings by the Czech Republic - Greta, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Twenty Years After the Passage of the Palermo Protocol: Identifying Common Flaws in Defining Trafficking through the First Global Study of Domestic Anti-Trafficking Laws

On November 15, 2000, the United Nations adopted the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (Palermo Protocol). Twenty years later, with 178 state parties, the Palermo Protocol has reached almo...Read More

TAGS: Global
Human Trafficking and Risky Migration Routes Data Collection: A case study from Kenya

In August, 2019, Stop the Traffik Kenya (STTK) and Freedom Collaborative (FC), a project operated by Liberty Shared, launched a data collection effort with civil society organisations (CSOs) in Kenya to report known human trafficking and high-risk m...Read More

TAGS: Africa
DEMAND. A Comparative Examination of Sex Tourism and Trafficking in Jamaica, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States

Sex tourism is the travel by buyers of sexual services for the purpose of procuring sexual services from another person in exchange for money and/or goods. Sex tourism can occur between countries or cities. Sex tourists create a demand which drives ...Read More

Still in Harm’s Way

Following the ground-breaking 2016 report Heading Back to Harm, leading charities ECPAT UK and Missing People have revisited the issue using 2017 data to assess what has changed. Still in Harm's Way: An update report on trafficked and unaccompanied ...Read More

TAGS: Europe