The Responsible and Ethical Private Sector Coalition against Trafficking Initiative (RESPECT)

Jointly established by the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, Babson College’s Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), RESPECT aims to serve as the platform and knowledge hub that brings together and facilitates active engagement between the private sector and all other stakeholders in the fight against forced labour and human trafficking.


Purpose of the RESPECT Stakeholder Needs Assessment

To better identify and understand where the knowledge gaps and challenges are and what companies deem is missing from the anti-trafficking community, as well as what has to be offered in the framework of our initiative, we have initiated a strategic Stakeholder Needs Assessment (SNA).


Final Results

Please click on the presentation below to access our SNA final results.

RESPECT Stakeholder Needs Assessment

RESPECT Appreciation and Recognition

RESPECT would like to thank all the participating companies – You have helped us shape and grow RESPECT in the most needed direction! Please find the spreadsheet list of the participating companies who agreed to be on our RESPECT Appreciation and Recognition List* below.

*Note: This list excludes all the other participating companies who preferred not to be publicly listed.

RESPECT Appreciation and Recognition List DOWNLOAD














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