The Fondation Scelles is publishing its 5th Global Report. Since 2012, year after year, this “world tour” of sexual exploitation aims to detect and anticipate its evolutions. What can we see today? Never have the factors of vulnerability been so numerous and human beings exploitation so intense, even as gender relations are at the centre of many debates. In the context of the migration crisis and the liberation of speech generated by the #MeToo movement in different parts of the world, what can we say about sexual exploitation today? What are the new emerging trends? What answers have our societies offered? What can we learn about sexual exploitation in 2018 from this Global Report?

Sexual Exploitation: New Challenges, New Answers DOWNLOAD














Worker-Reported Views on COVID-19 Vaccines

The Royal Thai Government’s Social Security Office (SSO) has closely coordinated with employers throughout Thailand to survey and register sites and workers for COVID-19 vaccines. There are plans to offer AstraZeneca or Sinovac vaccines to migrant...Read More

National Hotline 2018 Michigan State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 and is accurate as of July 25, 2019. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may revealed to the National Hotline over time. Consequen...Read More

The Human Trafficking Initiative

The Human Trafficking Initiative works to address the issue of child sex trafficking in Greater Atlanta. Sexual exploitation is the most damaging form of child abuse.

Aggravating circumstances: How coronavirus impacts human trafficking
COVID-19 resourcesNews & AnalysisGuidanceGraphics & InfographicsPublications

Authors: Livia Wagner, Thi Hoang The policy brief was originally posted here on GI-TOC website, as part of its #CovidCrimeWatch initiative. The coronavirus is not only claiming hundreds of thousands of lives, but is also causing a global econo...Read More

TAGS: Global