Slavery Footprint is a survey that asks and responds to the question, “How Many Slaves Work For You?”

The survey allows users to input select data about their consumer spending habits, which then outputs a graphical “footprint” of the user’s participation in modern-day slavery (as quantified by their consumption of items created by forced labour and child labour.)

Made In A Free World, the creator of Slavery Footprint (with the support of the U.S. Department of State), researched the supply chains of 400 consumer products to determine the likely number of slaves it takes to make each of those products. They put the information into an online survey where you can determine the number of slaves that are needed to maintain your personal lifestyle.
After the survey, the user has the option to share the results or take action. The purpose of this project is to increase awareness of forced labour and child labour and engage the public in taking steps toward addressing the use of forced labour, by encouraging users to advocate with strategic actions in the marketplace.
Click here to take the Slavery Footprint survey!