2016 estimates from the International Labor Organization indicate that there are 152 million children 5-17 years old in child labour, of which about 73 million are in hazardous labour that by its nature can have adverse effects on their health, safety, and moral development. An estimated 25 million people are trapped in forced labour, including over 4 million children.

Sweat & Toil: Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking Around the World is a comprehensive resource developed by the Bureau Of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) documenting child labour and forced labour worldwide.

Data and research in this app are taken from ILAB’s three flagship reports:

This app fits these three information-packed reports the size of a phone book in the palm of your hand. Five things you can do with this app are:

  • Check countries’ efforts to eliminate child labour
  • Find child labour data;
  • Browse goods produced with child labour or forced labour;
  • Review laws and ratifications; and
  • See what governments can to do end child labour.

Using this app can be a starting point to empower yourself with knowledge about child labour or forced labour around the world. Anyone with an interest in these issues – governments, businesses, academics, civil society, consumers – can use it as a source of information to begin asking questions, taking action, and demanding change.

More information on ILAB’s Child Labour, Forced Labour & Human Trafficking work can be found here.

The app’s datasets and tables can be found here.

Download the app here.














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