The purpose of this position paper is to inform the development of an effective labour market enforcement strategy for tackling sexual harassment in the context of low-paid and insecure work. It seeks to nuance the discussion around sexual harassment in the workplace by bringing attention to the intersecting vulnerabilities that create increased risk of sexual harassment for certain groups of workers and additional barriers to enforcing their rights at work. It calls for a shift in strategy from a system that relies almost entirely on individuals to enforce their rights, to one that recognises the need for a better balance between individual and state-led enforcement.

Tackling Sexual Harassment in Low-Paid and Insecure Work, Focus on Labour Exploitation, March 2022 DOWNLOAD














Detailed Trafficking Indicators List

Victims of trafficking in humans can be found in a variety of situations. You can play a role in identifying such victims. This tool lists detailed indicators by type of exploitation, and with a focus on child trafficking. ...Read More

TAGS: Global
COVID-19 Guidance
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

COVID-19 is a test of societies, of governments, of communities and of individuals. It is a time for solidarity and cooperation to tackle the virus, and to mitigate the effects, often unintended, of measures designed to halt the spread of COVID-19. ...Read More

Sex Trafficking: Identifying Cases and Victims

Written by Robert Moossy, J.D. This paper outlines the key steps in the identification of potential victims of sex trafficking, along with the steps to be taken in the process of investigating cases of sex trafficking. ...Read More

Code of Practice Guide to tackling Modern Slavery and Human Rights Abuses

The Welsh Government is committed to ensuring workers are treated fairly and with respect and to making Wales hostile to slavery. The Code of Practice – Ethical Employment in Supply Chains is designed to help ensure workers in public sector supply...Read More