The purpose of this position paper is to inform the development of an effective labour market enforcement strategy for tackling sexual harassment in the context of low-paid and insecure work. It seeks to nuance the discussion around sexual harassment in the workplace by bringing attention to the intersecting vulnerabilities that create increased risk of sexual harassment for certain groups of workers and additional barriers to enforcing their rights at work. It calls for a shift in strategy from a system that relies almost entirely on individuals to enforce their rights, to one that recognises the need for a better balance between individual and state-led enforcement.

Tackling Sexual Harassment in Low-Paid and Insecure Work, Focus on Labour Exploitation, March 2022 DOWNLOAD














Addressing modern slavery in long and complex supply chains. Assessing understandings of effective supply chain governance
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

This is a summary of the report: Assessing understandings of effective supply chain governance , a Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (the Modern Slavery PEC) research project, funded by the UK Artsand Humanities Research Cou...Read More

Spotlight on Labour: Migration in Asia- A Factor Analysis Study

Migration has always been a powerful engine of prosperity for individuals and the countries between which they move, filling key gaps in labour markets in destination countries and channelling vital financial resources to origin countries th...Read More

A Guide to Traceability: A Practical Approach to Advance Sustainability in Global Supply Chains

The purpose of the guide is to provide an overview of the importance of traceability for sustain- ability purposes, outline the global opportunities and challenges it represents and summarize practical steps for implementing traceability programmes w...Read More

Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018: Guidance for Reporting Entities

The Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 established Australia’s national Modern Slavery Reporting Requirement (reporting requirement). The aim of this Guide is to explain in plain language what entities need to do to comply with the Act...Read More

TAGS: Oceania