At this unprecedented time, many of our most vulnerable children and families are facing new, exacerbated, and compounded risks to their health and safety due to COVID-19. Specifically, there are a number of factors and conditions created or exacerbated by the pandemic that can increase the risk of involvement in sex or labor trafficking.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Child Sex and Labor Trafficking - NCTSN, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Union Busting & Unfair Dismissals: Garment Workers during COVID-19
COVID-19 resources

Millions of vulnerable workers in the garment industry have been laid off or have lost wages as a result of order cancellations and non-payment by apparel brands in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent reports from worker groups and media sh...Read More

COVID-19 Health and Safety checklist
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

This checklist should serve as inspiration, and our recommendations must only be applied if in accordance with the regulations provided by local health authorities and governments. The check list is not a stand-alone tool, but should be used in conj...Read More

Dashboarding The Online Strategic Communications of Anti-slavery Organization During COVID-19
COVID-19 resources

In this working paper, we investigate high-level changes in the online strategic communications of organizations engaged with SDG 8.7 (ending modern slavery) during the COVID-19 crisis. We present preliminary evidence of important semantic and thema...Read More

Global Pandemic, Local Devastation: Frontline Efforts to Support the Most Vulnerable
COVID-19 resources

This report provides an update on the situation in each of our program locations, as well as summarizing the activities undertaken so far by our partners with ERF funding, and the early impact we’re seeing. This is a mere snapshot, as response act...Read More