The UK is at the forefront of the global move to tackle human trafficking and prevent modern forms of
slavery by introducing the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) earlier this year.
In this Client Alert, we focus on the new transparency reporting provisions, which the Act introduced and
which are in force as of the end of October 2015. The provisions require companies with a turnover above
a certain threshold to report on the steps they are taking to address human trafficking and modern slavery
in their supply chains.

The UK is at the forefront of the global move to tackle human trafficking and prevent modern forms of slavery by introducing the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) earlier this year. In this Client Alert, we focus on the new transparency reporting provisions, which the Act introduced and which are in force as of the end of October 2015. The provisions require companies with a turnover above a certain threshold to report on the steps they are taking to address human trafficking and modern slavery in their supply chains. DOWNLOAD














Measuring Labour Exploitation

The Shiva Foundation proposes that business, government, and civil society organizations look beyond modern slavery when trying to assess the prevalence of labour exploitation in the UK. They suggest a few metrics that might help track labour exploi...Read More

Remediation Guidelines for Victims of Human Trafficking in Mineral Supply Chains

In recent years, there have been many reports of workers in supply chains being abused, exploited and even trafficked. Therefore, the expectation that businesses should carry out due diligence to address adverse impacts has grown considerably. As ...Read More

Children’s rights in policies and codes of conduct: A tool for companies
Standards & Codes of Conduct

This tool recommends ways for all businesses to incorporate children’s rights into their policies and codes of conduct, based on the Children’s Rights and Business Principles and reaching beyond the traditional focus areas of child labour and ...Read More

TAGS: Global
ILO indicators of forced labour

This booklet presents an introduction to the ILO Indicators of Forced Labour. These indicators are intended to help “front-line” criminal law enforcement officials, labour inspectors, trade union officers, NGO workers and others to identify pers...Read More