The UK is at the forefront of the global move to tackle human trafficking and prevent modern forms of
slavery by introducing the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) earlier this year.
In this Client Alert, we focus on the new transparency reporting provisions, which the Act introduced and
which are in force as of the end of October 2015. The provisions require companies with a turnover above
a certain threshold to report on the steps they are taking to address human trafficking and modern slavery
in their supply chains.

The UK is at the forefront of the global move to tackle human trafficking and prevent modern forms of slavery by introducing the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) earlier this year. In this Client Alert, we focus on the new transparency reporting provisions, which the Act introduced and which are in force as of the end of October 2015. The provisions require companies with a turnover above a certain threshold to report on the steps they are taking to address human trafficking and modern slavery in their supply chains. DOWNLOAD














Preventing and tackling child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA): A model national response

At the Abu-Dhabi Summit in 2015, governments and organisations agreed to establish and deliver, in their own countries, a coordinated national response to online child sexual exploitation, guided by the WePROTECT Global Alliance Model National respo...Read More

Athens Ethical Principles
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Adopted in Athens in 2006 to engage the worldwide business community to participate in anti-trafficking efforts. Seven principles outline action plans for business to contribute to the eradication of human trafficking, including child labour. ...Read More

TAGS: Global
Meaningful Engagement of People with Lived Experience: a framework and assessment for measuring and increasing lived experience leadership across the spectrum of engagement

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TAGS: Global
Employing Workers’ Sense of Value as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to Drive Facility Improvement in Social Responsibility
Good Practices

While many brands have gathered worker feedback to increase engagement, when closely examined, the efforts have tended to be brand-centric with workers’ interests often overlooked or marginalized in favor of supply chain risk management. The findi...Read More