Leading companies recognize that their global supply chains can be a key asset or a major risk, both in terms of the business value that they represent and their potential impacts on society and the environment. Companies want to gain visibility into the risks and underlying drivers of uncertainty and challenges within their supply chains. This is both smart business and, increasingly, a business imperative. Regulatory requirements such as the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act and the UK Modern Slavery Act have shifted expectations for sustainable supply chain management from voluntary activities to mandatory actions and disclosures.

Many companies have taken up this challenge by implementing programs and practices that manage the uncertainty in their supply chains. These programs are designed to promote transparency, identify risks and root causes in ways that are not elsewhere evident, and unlock business value in forms such as better supplier partners, enhanced resilience, and overall better products and services. Whether they call the program “supply chain sustainability,” “responsible sourcing,” “responsible supply,” “sustainable procurement,” or another name, BSR member companies know that these programs help them identify and manage risk and generate business value. This is also supported by evidence from the research community. Numerous studies have identified a quantifiable link between engaging in supply chain sustainability and business benefits, such as an increase in revenue and stock price, cost reductions, and a boost in brand value.

To support companies in their efforts toward supply chain sustainability, BSR has developed a maturity model, called the Supply Chain Leadership Ladder, to clarify “what good looks like” from our point of view. BSR’s perspective on supply chain maturity is informed not only by our 25 years of leadership in supply chain sustainability, but also by our research and advisory work with companies on business strategy, human rights, climate change, and inclusive economy. The ladder takes into account the practices that are working and those that are best positioned to drive impact. The ladder is applicable across industries but recognizes important differences among companies in terms of their risk tolerance, ambition level, and orientation toward tackling global challenges.














The Equator Principles
GuidanceGood Practices

Large infrastructure and industrial Projects can have adverse impacts on people and on the environment. As financiers and advisors, we work in partnership with our clients to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks and impacts in ...Read More

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Workers in Cambodia: A Survey of Suspended Workers in Four Sectors: Garment Manufacturing, Footwear and Travel Foods, Hotels and Guesthouses, and Other Tourism Services
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

In Cambodia, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in widespread job suspensions and losses, and substantial reductions of income for workers and their families. By June 2020, as many as 234 factories in the manufacturing sectors (garment, footwear and...Read More

Guidance: Child modern slavery and human trafficking

These practice guidelines aim to provide an introduction to child modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) as a significant health and public health concern, and guidance on the role of paediatricians in addressing child MSHT. MSHT is a serious f...Read More

Labor Inspection Training on Child Labor – Burkina Faso

This facilitator’s guide provides tips and advice to help facilitators successfully use the curriculum for Labour Inspection Training on Child Labour in Belize. It describes the purpose and objectives of the training; provides an overview of ...Read More

TAGS: Africa