Trafficking in human beings is defined as a situation whereby a person’s predicament is used to trap them in an exploitative situation. This can take various forms and occurs in different areas:

• Labour exploitation

• Sexual exploitation

• Exploitation in marriage

• Forced begging

• Forced criminal activities

• Forced removal of organs

Trafficking in human beings constitutes a serious human rights violation and an offence to the dignity and the integrity of the human being.

For many years, specialised counselling centres have addressed trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation or exploitative employment relationships as part of their everyday work, alongside cases of trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation. We are seeing an increasing number of cases in which persons are exploited by being coerced into begging or criminal activities.

This brochure is part of a range of information brochures. Each one aims to take a closer look at a form of exploitation and to provide information about the counselling options and support structures available to trafficked persons in Germany. In particular they will present the services and work carried out by KOK’s members.

This brochure focuses on the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation.

Trafficking in Human Beings – Labour Exploitation - German NGO Network against Trafficking in Human Beings, 2018 DOWNLOAD














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TAGS: Global