This study presents findings from a web-based survey conducted in Hong Kong SAR, China in November 2019. In the context of Hong Kong SAR, China, it is the first study of its kind to employ a quantitative method to assess current levels of understanding and attitudes of employers towards ethical recruitment and decent work principles, regarding the hiring of their MDWs in Hong Kong SAR, China; including insights and concrete measures that could be taken by employers and employment agencies to help to avoid even the inadvertent exploitation of MDWs. The findings of the study provide evidence of the need to further sensitize employers of MDWs to both recruitment as well as the vulnerabilities to exploitation that can arise for workers within each phase of recruitment and employment

Understanding and Attitudes of Employers of Migrant Domestic Workers towards Ethical Recruitment and Decent Work Principles in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China - IOM, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Myanmar: The social atrocity: Meta and the right to remedy for the Rohingya
News & AnalysisPublications

Beginning in August 2017, the Myanmar security forces undertook a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar’s northern Rakhine State. They unlawfully killed thousands of Rohingya, including young children; raped and c...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains: The State of Evidence for Key Government and Private Approaches
News & AnalysisPublications

The globalisation of supply chains, facilitated by technologicaldevelopments and spurred by firm’s attempts to maximise profitsthrough lower labour costs, shorter lead times and weaker labourprotections in developing countries, has contributed to ...Read More

TAGS: Global
Interactive Map for Business of Anti-human Trafficking Initiatives and Organisations | Outreach
News & AnalysisEvents

Do you know of any initiatives and/or organisations working with the private sector on human trafficking issues? The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) and the Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking (GBC...Read More

TAGS: Global
A Review of Current Promising Practices in the Engagement of People with Lived Experience to Address Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
News & AnalysisGuidanceGood Practices

This report summarises findings from research into the best ways to engage and involve people with lived experience of modern slavery and human trafficking (including survivors) in international policy and programming on modern slavery. It gathers o...Read More

TAGS: Global