We have updated our Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organisations (www.modernslaverymap.org). The Map currently includes 112 initiatives and organisations who are working on five human-trafficking-related issues (child labour, forced labour, etc.), covering eleven industries and eight regions. Since its launch in May 2018, the Map has had 13,397 visits, among which 10,266 users visited the site at least twice.

One of the new features of the Map enables users to directly submit new initiatives and organisations for review:

The Interactive Map provides brands, suppliers and stakeholders across geographies and industries with a list of organisations around the world that can help business identify, prevent and remediate human trafficking in global supply chains. Being the only one consolidated resource for business to access this critical information, the Map aims to improve coordination on the eradication of modern slavery, providing a unique baseline from which existing and newly formed initiatives can move forward.

Check out the updated Map here: https://www.modernslaverymap.org/














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