This brief provides a reference for worker reporting and worker empowerment tools and programs from the context of ‘worker voice,’ a concept that emerged with the birth of the organized labour movement during the Industrial Revolution. Two fundamental aspects of ‘worker voice’ have always been:

(1) Capturing the voices, experiences, and needs of workers, and

(2) Channelling that voice into a clear mechanism for remediation for those workers.

Five key questions are presented to help guide designers, funders, and users of worker empowerment and worker reporting tools to explore the opportunities and also the risks of capturing worker feedback and worker data, particularly digital data

What is 'Worker Voice' in the context of global supply chains?- Issara Institute, 2017 DOWNLOAD














Leaving No-one Behind
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

This is a guidance for policymakers, donors and business leaders to ensure that responses to Covid-19 reach victims of modern slavery and people vulnerable to slavery. With the effects on the global economy, the Covid-19 crisis is leading to wid...Read More

Local Authorities’ Referral Pathway for Adult Victims of Modern Slavery
GuidanceGraphics & Infographics

Together with the London Working Group, the Human Trafficking Foundation has produced the Referral pathway for adult victims to help Local Authorities improve their response to human trafficking and modern slavery, in particular the identification an...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Mondern Slavery, what business needs to know

Modern slavery is an umbrella term that covers: all situations of exploitation that a person cannot refuse or leave, because of threats, violence, coercion, abuse of power or deception. Modern slavery sits at the extreme end of a spectrum o...Read More

TAGS: Global
“Heavy metal”: From Abuse-Ridden Mines to Global Consumer Goods, the Journey of Brazilian Iron

Since 2010, FIDH (the International Federation for Human Rights) and Justiça nos Trilhos (JnT) have been working together on the human rights abuses of the steel industry in the state of Maranhão, in Brazil. In May 2011, FIDH and JnT, with Justiç...Read More