In the present report, the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises takes stock of business and government action to advance the implementation of corporate human rights due diligence as set out in the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework. It highlights emerging good practices that should be built upon and scaled up in order to address gaps in current practice.

Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises - Report - Working Group on Business and Human Rights, 2018 DOWNLOAD
Рабочая группа по вопросу о правах человека и транснациональных корпорациях и других предприятиях DOWNLOAD
人权与跨国公司和其他工商企业问题工作组 DOWNLOAD
الفريق العام المع بمسززز لة حقو اإلنسزززان والشزززر ات عبر الوط ية وغيرها DOWNLOAD
Grupo de Trabajo sobre la cuestión de los derechos DOWNLOAD
Groupe de travail sur la question des droits de l’homme DOWNLOAD
Companion paper I – Corporate human rights due diligence: Background note and elaborating on key aspects DOWNLOAD
Companion paper II – Corporate human rights due diligence – Getting started, emerging practices, tools and resources DOWNLOAD














Illegal Fishing and Human Rights Abuses at Sea: Using Technology to Highlight Suspicious Behaviors

Illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing undermines the responsible management of commercial fishing and ocean conservation. It exploits the natural resources of coastal nations, reduces economic opportunity and threatens food security. IUU...Read More

Sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism

ECPAT International is a global network of civil society organisations working together to end the sexual exploitation of children (SEC). ECPAT comprises member organisations in over 100 countries who generate knowledge, raise awareness, and advocat...Read More

Georgia Human Trafficking Fact Sheet

Human trafficking is a growing problem in the US – and around the world. Georgia, with substantial immigrant and refugee populations as well as large agricultural industries is considered a major destination for US human trafficking. In fact, Atla...Read More

Data Collection in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings and Exploitation in Germany

The report contains a first evaluation of the KOK data tool with over 700 cases of human trafficking and exploitation entered between January 2020 and the end of June 2021. Compared to the situation report on human trafficking published annually by ...Read More