This 2020 Statement on Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery in Our Business and Supply Chains (the “Statement”) reflects Apple’s progress during 2020 and ongoing efforts to identify, mitigate, prevent, and remedy human trafficking, slavery, servitude, or forced, compulsory, or involuntary labor, and the Worst Forms of Child Labor (as defined by International Labour Organization (“ILO”) standards) in Apple’s supply chain and our own operations.

The term “Apple” as used in this Statement refers collectively to Apple Inc. and its subsidiaries, including Apple Europe Limited, Apple (UK) Limited and Apple Retail UK Limited, whose financial years ended September 26, 2020. For the purposes of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, this Statement is made on behalf of Apple Europe Limited, Apple (UK) Limited and Apple Retail UK Limited.

2020 Statement on Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery in Our Business and Supply Chains - Apple, 2021 DOWNLOAD














Technical Note: COVID-19 and Child Labour
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

The United Nations declared 2021 the International year for the Elimination of Child Labour, an effort to eradicate this form of abuse and exploitation, a milestone in reaching the Sustainable Development Goal target 8.7. Worldwide, an estimated 152...Read More

TAGS: Global
Children’s rights in policies and codes of conduct: A tool for companies
Standards & Codes of Conduct

This tool recommends ways for all businesses to incorporate children’s rights into their policies and codes of conduct, based on the Children’s Rights and Business Principles and reaching beyond the traditional focus areas of child labour and ...Read More

TAGS: Global
Understanding the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Informal Apparel Workers in Bangladesh
COVID-19 resources

This briefing presents the results of a survey conducted with informal Ready-made Garment (RMG) workers in Bangladesh to assess their heightened vulnerabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to food security, debt, reduced employment, and...Read More

POLICY DOCUMENT: Towards an operational strategy for more effective returns
Standards & Codes of Conduct

On 24 January 2023, the European Commission presented a policy document, ‘Towards an operational strategy for more effective returns’, as well as an annex detailing specific actions points. The policy document stresses the impo...Read More

TAGS: Europe