This virtual webinar, a side-event to the High-Level Political Forum, explored the role of sustainable finance in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking, with a particular focus on lessons learned from the COVID-19 era. Featuring keynote remarks from  H.E. Amina Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General, the event considered how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated people’s vulnerability to labour exploitation and trafficking, the impact it is having on survivors of modern slavery, and the risks it poses for migrant workers in particular, before then exploring the key role the financial sector has to play in fostering effective action to address these issues.














Modern Slavery Act Information Sheet: Coronavirus
COVID-19 resources

This information sheet provides guidance for entities about how to reduce the risk of vulnerable workers in their operations and supply chains becoming exposed to modern slavery as a result of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This informat...Read More

Інформація для сільськогосподарських працівників, які перебувають у Шотландії на підставі сезонної робочої візи, про їхні права й підтримку
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

Дана брошура створена задля надання мігрантам, які працюють у сфері сільського господарства за програмою Seasonal Workers’ Pilot у Шотландії, ві...Read More

The Emperor has no clothes: Garment Supply Chains in the Time of Pandemic
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA), an Asian labour-led global labour and social alliance, has been monitoring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on workers in garment-producing countries through ground reports from AFWA partners and allies in Cambodi...Read More

COVID, ESGs and Going to the Moon: How Business Can Unite to Eliminate Forced Labour
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

On the surface, this statement may seem like just another contribution to the world of hyperbole. A Drug-free ASEAN by 2015 anyone? The difference here is that we are dealing with practices that the vast majority of people consider have no place in ...Read More