The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 and is accurate as of July 25, 2019. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may revealed to the National Hotline over time. Consequently, statistics may be subject to change as new information emerges.

You can download the report infographic below.

National Hotline 2018 Oklahoma State Report - National Human Trafficking Hotline, 2019 DOWNLOAD














Addressing the Gender Dimensions of Trafficking in Persons in the Context of Climate Change, Displacement and Disaster Risk Reduction – Report of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Siobhán Mullally

The heightened risks of trafficking in the context of climate change are rooted in existing and persistent inequalities, in poverty, in racism, and in discrimination. These heightened risks and vulnerability to exploitation are not inevitable or fix...Read More

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Beyond Awareness: Learning from Local Experiences to Move Forward in Fighting Human Trafficking, A Regional Study on Local Perceptions of Human Trafficking In South And Southeast Asia

This report presents findings from a multiple case study of how human trafficking is perceived and experienced in seven local communities in five countries in South and South-East Asia. The aim of the report is to explore and understand local ex...Read More

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Compendium of relevant reference materials and resources on ethical sourcing and prevention of trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation in supply chains

The objective of the Compendium of Resources is to take stock of the existing legislation, policies, guidelines, recommendations, reports, studies, and other types of initiatives developed to better understand and respond to the global problem of tra...Read More

Addressing Workers’ Rights in the Engineering and Construction Sector: Opportunities for Collaboration

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