Această broșură are scopul de a vă informa, în calitate de lucrători în
agricultură din Spațiul Economic European1 care se află în Scoția, cu
privire la drepturile dvs. și la ceea ce puteți face dacă apreciați că
drepturile dvs. nu sunt protejate. De asemenea, broșura prevede
ceea ce ar trebui să faceți pentru a fi în siguranță, atât dvs., cât și
alte persoane, în timpul pandemiei de COVID-19.

Informații pentru lucrătorii sezonieri din agricultură din Spațiul Economic European privind drepturile și asistența de care beneficiază în timp ce se află în Scoția, Focus on Labour Exploitation, Fife Migrants Forum și JustRight Scotland, cu colaborarea Guvernului Scoției. 2020 DOWNLOAD














Covid-19 & Dormitory Safety: Prevention
COVID-19 resourcesVideos

To promote “Safe Living in Dormitories”, this video informs employers and workers (particularly migrant workers) on steps that can be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (and other viruses), keep common areas safe and ensure the well-being o...Read More

TAGS: Global
Survey report 2021 of efforts to implement OSCE commitments and recommended actions to combat trafficking in human beings

The Survey Report 2021 of Efforts to Implement OSCE Commitments and Recommended Actions to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings has been developed to track progress toward implementing anti-trafficking commitments since the previous Survey in 2015, an...Read More

National Referral Mechanism on Identifying and Working with Potential Victims of Child Trafficking

Since its establishment in 2007, the Working Group on Child Trafficking as a sub-group of the Task Force on Combating Human Trafficking has been working to gather background information on the phenomenon of child trafficking in Austria through the e...Read More

Review of the Nestlé Palm Oil Upstream Supply Chain Management Program in Malaysia and Indonesia

In recent years, labour practices in the palm oil sector in Southeast Asia have drawn significant attention from both media and civil society actors. In June 2018, Nestlé began a partnership with Verité on a multiyear program to improve ...Read More