Stop Slavery General Manager Handbook
GuidanceThis Handbook is to be used by General Managers in conjunction with the Stop Slavery Blueprint and provides example documents that can be adapted and used accordingly.
Această broșură are scopul de a vă informa, în calitate de lucrători în
agricultură din Spațiul Economic European1 care se află în Scoția, cu
privire la drepturile dvs. și la ceea ce puteți face dacă apreciați că
drepturile dvs. nu sunt protejate. De asemenea, broșura prevede
ceea ce ar trebui să faceți pentru a fi în siguranță, atât dvs., cât și
alte persoane, în timpul pandemiei de COVID-19.
This Handbook is to be used by General Managers in conjunction with the Stop Slavery Blueprint and provides example documents that can be adapted and used accordingly.
All workers, and migrant workers in particular, should have access to grievance mechanisms that allow them to voice concerns without fear of punishment or retribution. The provision of these mechanisms by the employer is particularly crucial for mig...Read More
This normative framework guide provides a summarized overview of existing legal frameworks outlining businesses’ responsibilities with regard to human rights, with a focus on labour exploitation and trafficking in human beings. Various legal frame...Read More
To reduce the risk to workers displaced due to the war in Ukraine, ETI established a working group with its members shortly after the Russian invasion, in early Spring 2022. The aim of the working group has been to facilitate knowledge and intel...Read More