Настоящата листовка има за цел да информира работниците в
селското стопанство от Европейското икономическо
пространство1 в Шотландия относно Вашите права и какво може
да направите, ако мислите, че Вашите права не са защитени. Тя
също така очертава какво може да направите, за да се защитите
и да защитите околните по време на епидемията от COVID-19.

Информация за сезонни работници в селското стопанство от Европейското икономическо пространство относно Вашите права и възможности за получаване на подкрепа при пребиваването в Шотландия Настоящата листовка е подготвена от благотворителните организации: Фокус върху трудовата експлоатация [Focus on Labour Exploitation], Файф Мигрантс Форум [Fife Migrants Forum] и ДжъстРайт Скотланд [JustRight Scotland], съвместно с шотландското правителство. 2020 DOWNLOAD














Brexit and Modern Slavery: Impact on the UK’s Legal Framework for Workers in Supply Chains
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

Data on the Number of people referred to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) as potential victims of modern slavery in the UK has increased year-on-year. The number for referrals rose by 36% from 2017 2018 and buy for their 52% in 2019 the second ...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Forced Labor: Actions Needed to Prevent the Availability of At-Risk Goods in DOD’s Commissaries and Exchanges

The Department of Defense (DOD) has some policies and processes in place to prevent the resale of goods produced through forced labor in its commissaries and exchanges. However, despite their generally common business of providing reduced- priced gr...Read More

Importing Freedom: Using the U.S. Tariff Act to Combat Forced Labor in Supply Chains

An increasingly interconnected world has led to sprawling supply chains across the globe. But what is the human cost of increasing consumer demands for fresh produce year-round, fast fashion, and flashy gadgets? For those held in forced labor in sup...Read More

A comprehensive analysis of policies and frameworks governing foreign employment for Nepali women migrant workers and migrant domestic workers

Nepal has implemented, repealed and re-implemented various bans and restrictions on the migration of women migrant workers and / or migrant domestic workers since 1998, the year in which all women migrant workers were first banned from migrating to ...Read More

TAGS: Asia