This virtual webinar, a side-event to the High-Level Political Forum, explored the role of sustainable finance in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking, with a particular focus on lessons learned from the COVID-19 era. Featuring keynote remarks from  H.E. Amina Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General, the event considered how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated people’s vulnerability to labour exploitation and trafficking, the impact it is having on survivors of modern slavery, and the risks it poses for migrant workers in particular, before then exploring the key role the financial sector has to play in fostering effective action to address these issues.














COVID-19 – Crisis Upon Crisis In Africa: An Eco feminist Perspective
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

The novel Coronavirus has triggered a significant global crisis, with the harshest impacts being felt by the poor and working classes across the world. On the African continent, this ‘new’ pandemic encounters numerous other crises of climate hea...Read More

Unboxing the real price of sneakers

Sneaker connoisseur Jacques Slade is a guy that really loves his sneakers and creates YouTube videos about them, as well as other things. In one of his recent standout unboxing clips, Slade revealed something glaring, specifically to focus our attent...Read More

The COVID-19 Pandemic Could Increase Child Labour in Latin America and the Caribbean
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

Currently the world is going through an unprecedented health, social, human and economic crisis due to the pandemic caused by the disease COVID-19, catalogued even as the greatest economic and social challenge facing humanity since the Great Depress...Read More

Unlocking the Urban: Reimagining Migrant Lives in Cities Post-COVID 19
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

Migration is not a new phenomenon in India. People have moved across the length and breadth of the country for various reasons, including work. Today, India has a burgeoning urban population, which contributes to about 63% of India’s GDP. A large ...Read More

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